Make a cool popsicle with corrugated card and wooden sticks
It’s summer. It’s sunny and the kids need something to do! Here is a perfect treat for the season. Make popsicles and reward them with a real one to eat. This craft activity is great for the whole family! Parent supervision is required. Let’s get started. See final craft picture below.
Here are the things we need:
- A piece of corrugated cardboard
- Your regular crafting materials
- Popsicle wooden sticks
Cut out the body of the popsicle into 2×4-inch rectangles. NOTE that the popsicle sticks will be forced into the corrugated card so the shorter end of the rectangle has to be the part where you can put the stick into.

Round one shorter end of the rectangle and trim off the tips of the other end. Next, force the popsicle wooden stick into the corrugated cardboard. Paint the popsicle with your favorite July 4th colors.
Thats it. Enjoy your pretend popsicle!