How to make simple bumble bee craft

Let’s make a bumble bee paper craft. Your little heart will love the yellow and black high-contrast colors. It is easy and fun. Parent supervision is required. Let’s get started.

What we need:
3 cards of colors black, white, and yellow, and one googly eye. Make sure you have your regular crafting tools!

Fun and easy bumble bee paper craft
      1. Cut the yellow and black cards into small rectangles. In this project, we used about 5inchx4inch.
      2. Divide the black card into three equal parts. Glue one part of the black to one end of the yellow card. Divide one of the black stips further and make the stripes of the bee.
      3. Deep trim the corners of the card to round the edges
      4. Cut a small triangle and glue it to the back of the bee. That is the stinger.
      5. Cut small ovals from the white card and glue them for the wings. Fix the eye and antennas from black paper strips.

    Please remember to share your artwork with us.

Fun bumble bee paper craft for kids