How To Make A Simple Halloween Witch
The Fall Season is my favorite because of all the fun things that come with it, and the many opportunities to craft. Today, we can make a paper witch. Always do a craft to make teaching and learning even more fun. Adult supervision is required at all times.
Supplies Needed:
- Card Stock in black, purple, and tan/brown
- Straw
- Popsicle stick
- Eyes
For this particular activity, start bt cutting out a circle from the tan piece of card, about 3ibches in diameter. Also cut out a triangle of about 3.5 inch high. Cut a strip of purple to decorate the hat later on.

Color the popsicle stick black and glue it to the smaller side of the black triangle to complete the hat. Decorate it with your purple strip.
Cut your straw into small strips and glue it to the top of the circle. This will be the face of the cute witch. Glue the hat on the top of the face and draw the nose and lips. Fix the eyes with glue!