How to make a simple, easy and fun paper cow paper pig craft.
P has the beginning sound for Pinky and Pig. This activity is a follow-up from the letter sounds. It uses a few shapes to create it and very fun to do. Give yourself about 45 minutes to get it completed. Let’s get started.

Materials needed
- A piece of card from an old corrugated card box, or just paper.
- Two small buttons for the nose, and two googly eyes. If you do not have googly eyes, just use a marker to draw the eyes after the artwork is complete.
- Some paint: White and Red to mix for a pink color.
- Some cutting and gluing material. Adult supervision needed at all times.
- Cut out four circles from the card. The biggest has a 5inch diameter. A medium size for the snout, the two smallest circles to be used for the ears.
- Trim or round the sides of the medium circle into an oval shape, to be used for the snout. Do the same for the smallest circles..
- Paint the circles pink and the medium circle (snout) darker.
- Use a strong glue to fix the buttons (nose) and the eyes.
- Using your fingers, break up the card grain to soften the ears to make it bend or curve a lit. This will give it a neat 3D effect.
- Glue the ears, the pink snout and clean up any rough edges.

There is no right and wrong way to do craft work. Every project is a learning activity. Enjoy doing it and share your work with us..
paper craft pig piglet farm animal preschool pre-k kindergarten art.