How to make a beautiful paper boat craft
Remember to download and print the free template required to create the boat. This craft activity is great for the whole family! Parent supervision is required. Let’s get started.
Here are the things we need:
- Printed template of the boat on white card stock.
- Your regular crafting materials

Here is how to do this craft:
- Download and print the page paper boat craft template HERE. One page is for the boat and the other box template is for the inside of the boat. This box is not needed if you want to keep it simple.
- Next, use the completed picture in this demo as a guide to color the boat. Markers work best as they will not wet the card to make lose its shape.
- Cut along the bold lines and fold along the broken lines.
- Glue the template to make your boat. NOTE: Allow the child to figure the folding out, and they will also do a litle problem-solving here.
- Glue the box. to the middle of the boat.
Thats it. Enjoy your summer boat!