How to make a beautiful leprechaun from toilet paper roll.

Do you know what or who a Leprechaun is? He is a tiny old may with a hat believed to have a pot of gold hidden somewhere in old Irish tales. In this Leprechaun craft activity, we are using two toilet paper rolls to make this tiny old man. Here are the materials we will need. Parent supervision is required.
- Two toilet paper rolls (one to make the body and the other to make the hat.
- Paper card, googly eyes, and popsicle stick (if needed to make a holder)
- Your regular craft tools and materials. Parent supervision needed for hot gluing)

- Cut one toilet paper roll into two. Paint one half green and discard the other half.
- Cut two cirlces from the paper card, 2 inches in diameter. Paint one circle green and paint the other circle ginger or orange. We will use this for the beard.
- Cut strips of paper from the card, about 1/4 inch in height for the belt and decorating the hat too. You can add a tiny bit in yellow for the belt hook.
- Color the other toilet paper roll. 1/3 with tan color and the other 2/3 green.
Assemble and glue
- Fix the ginger semicircle beard along the green and tan line of the toilet paper roll. Hot glue guns work best, and parent supervision is required.
- Fix the belt with the black paper strip.
- Fix the hat and attach to the body.
- Enjoy your Leprechaun