How to make a simple, easy and fun paper cow.
This simple artwork is a hot any day for kids. It is simple to do and requires no skill. It makes a shape identification class too, as it uses shapes like crescent, rectangle, circle and oval. Let’s get started.

Materials needed
- A piece of card from an old corrugated card box, or just paper.
- Two small buttons for the nose, and two googly eyes. If you do not have googly eyes, just use a marker to draw the eyes after the artwork is complete.
- A small picnic paper plate.
- Some cutting and gluing tools. Adult supervision needed at all times.

- Cut out two rectangles 6×4 inches and 5x3inches. Cut out two small ovals for the ears. Trim off or cut out a crescent from the paper plate (as shown above) to be used for the horns.
- Trim or round the corners off the rectangles. Divide the crescent from the paper plate into two.
- Paint the horns black and the smaller rectangle pink.
- Color the bigger rectangle and the ovals white.
- Glue the horns to the shorter end of the bigger rectangle.
- Glue the ears, the pink snout and glue the buttons for the nose. Complete the artwork by gluing the eyes.

There is no right and wrong way to do craft work. Every project is a learning activity. Enjoy doing it and share your work with us..
paper craft moo cow calf farm animal preschool pre-k kindergarten art.