Fun sponge stamp art project for children
Project by Miss Claire Marie.
This craft is taking sponges and making them into stamps, it is a really enjoyable project for your creative little ones because it plays with the textures of a sponge and the end result is different each time depending on how you use them, it doesn’t have to be perfect! Note: the cutting of the chosen shapes will require parental supervision.

Things you will need:
1. A sponge (preferably a hard one)
2. A box cutter/ exacto knife
3. A pen to draw your shapes
4. Washable/poster paint
5. Card or paper to stamp on to

1. Cut your sponge in half.
2. Draw your desired shapes on your sponge halves (try and keep the shapes simple).
3. Cut out your shapes with your cutter deep into the sponge.
4. Dip your sponge in paint and let your creativity run loose!

Have fun with this activity because there’s no right or wrong, you can experiment with different shapes and change the textures by applying more or less pressure, these stamps make for a fun addition to a drawing or painting or they can be used to create your own abstract piece.