How to make a beautiful paper panda craft

Pandas are very popular with kids in the sense that their simple black and white colors make it a fun animal that kids relate well to! Parent supervision is required. Let’s get started.

Here are the things we need:

  1. One white card and one black card. 
  2. A pair of goggly eyes
  3. Your regular crafting tools
Panda craft activity for kids

Here is how to do this craft:

  1. Cut out a circle of about 5 inches from the white card stock.
  2. Cut out 3 ovals from the black card stock, 2 inch on the longer side.
  3. Cut out a 4th oval of about 1.2 inch on the longer side.
  4. Glue the small oval to make the nose. Glue 2 of the black patches to the eyes area. Cut the third black oval into two to make the ears.
  5. Now glue the eyes and draw the mouth!
  6. Enjoy the panda.
How to make a paper panda Craft activity